Livestreaming: Getting started

1. Create the live stream

First we need to create the live stream. 

  • As an organizer for the event, go to Settings → Livestreams
  • Select the mats you want to livestream
  • Select the platform you want to livestream to:

Our Pay Per View platform that automatically cuts and connects matches to brackets and user profiles and gives you the best watch page on the internet.

  • Visibility let's you select who the stream will be visible for. If the stream is created through YouTube this status will also sync with the YouTube setting.

    - Public: All visitors can see the stream on your event page.

    - Private: Only you and your staff can see the stream on your event page. This setting can be changed later if you want to test a stream before going live.

    - *Unlisted: All visitors can see the stream on your event page. However, on Youtube it will be "unlisted", meaning only people with the link are able to see it.

    * Applies only for YouTube

2. Start streaming

Once the stream is created (step 1) you are now ready to start streaming!

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