How much bandwidth do I need for streaming?

Streaming requires a strong and fast Internet connection so make sure you have that covered when you use our streaming solution. The good thing is that we offer you several different streaming qualities so you can adjust for your environment. We recommend to stream in 720p or higher for best results.

To understand how fast Internet you need, please multiply the nr of mats you are streaming, with the resolution you pick in the Smoothstreamer app.

Here is how many Mbps (MegaBitPerSecond) each stream uses of your upload capacity.

1080p HD (High) 5 Mbps
1080P HD 4 Mbps
720p (High) 3 Mbps
720p (HD) 2 Mbps
480p 1,5 Mbps
320 1,5 Mbps
240 0,3 Mbps

So an event with 8 mats, streaming in 720p (High) resolution would require 24 Mbps as a minimum (8 x 3 Mbps= 24 Mbps)

“Note: Streaming is using your bandwidth for upload, not download.

You can measure your speed here: and remember that “upload” is the one that counts. 

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