The Smoothcomp system has many levels for various different users. There's the athlete who registers for competitions, there's the organizer who creates and runs competitions, there's the federation manager who in turn manages the connected organizations and more. In this article we are going to break down the different permission levels, as well as how they work in whole.
What are permissions?
Permissions are what allows different users to access different parts of the Smoothcomp system. As mentioned above there are multiple kinds of permissions a user account can have, but they all start from that one thing; a user account.
The user account
Everyone who wants to interact with the Smoothcomp system other than just looking at it, needs a user account. If you don't have one already, it can in a few simple steps be created here.
This account is for you, the person, not your organization. It should have your name, phone number and other personal details. If you want to manage for example your kids' accounts as well, you can read about sharing profiles here.

The different permissions
The different permissions, not including the basic level of just having a user account, are these:
- Academy
An academy (/club) is the basic first level of having your academy on Smoothcomp. This is the local academy/club which you attend to train for and which you can compete for. In an academy you can have one of three different roles; member, coach, or manager. An academy can't create or run competitions, but only participate in them through it's members. You can read about creating an academy here.

- Organizer
This is easy to confuse with academy, but they are two separate things. Your local academy might both compete in and arrange competitions, and for that you will need both an academy and an organizer account. The organizer is just what is sounds like, a way to organize your own events. An organizer, like the academy has three roles, but here they are staff, manager and organizer. You can read more about the different roles here.
This in conclusion means that if your local club, Smoothcomp Fighting, wants to be on Smoothcomp and have their members compete for them in events, they will need an academy. If they also want to organize events, they will also need an organizer account. You can read about applying for one of those here.
Both the academy and the organizer can have the name of your club (Smoothcomp Fighting in this example), but they will be two different entities. You can of course also only have an organizer and no academy, since they are not connected in the system.

- Affiliation
An affiliation (/team) is one step above the academy level, and has several clubs representing the team/affiliation in competition. An affiliation does not have multiple roles, but only a manager one. You can read more about affiliations and how to create one here.
- Federation
This is the highest level of the available permissions. A federation can, like an affiliation, have connected academies, but the federation can also run events by themselves or through their connected organizers, have athletes as members directly and will have their own subdomain to Smoothcomp; The federation has, apart from members, only one access role, which is admin/manager. You can read more about the federation platform here.

In summary, the key thing to take away from this is that everyone using Smoothcomp should have a user account. Through this account, you can access, be a member of, or manage these different types of permissions, each tailored to your specific role and needs within the Smoothcomp system, whether you're an athlete, organizer, affiliation manager, or part of a federation.
But you need a user account first! 😉