Ranking (Premium platform)
On the premium version of our federation/company platform you can create your own ranking lists based on a number of criteria, and we will walk you through an example below.
Ranking lists gather points from the event top list settings.
Event top lists can be created for several different types.
Here is an example of the best academy list from an event.
If you are a Federation Platform premium user you can gather points across all events in your platform and display them in your federation/company platform. Start by going to your Federation Admin and then click ranking and create new ranking.
In the following images you will see what types of lists you can create.
Top list name: Start by naming your list
Type of list: In this example we will build a list that counts points towards the "Athlete" (you can also choose Academy, Affiliation, Nation and State (US)
We also choose to have our ranking list be based on Ranking points:
Divide top list: We choose one "Global ranking" because we only want one list in the world (but you can also choose "by continent and country")
Season: If you have created seasons you can pick the season this list belongs to in this section. For this example we will not choose a season, since this is for the best fighter ever.
After that you can filter your list based on different criteria from the entry system.
You can include registrations based on; Entry, Class, Event name, Academy name, Academy nation, Users nation and User ID. You can also inherit other top lists you have created (to save time when building the list)
After you have picked your value in the first box, choose if the list "contains", "does not contain", "is", "is not" or "starts with"...
In our example we chose that the Entry-Contains-Men-Or-Women
Pay attention to the "OR" and the "AND". With "OR" our list can contain both Men & Women. When adding something with AND the values you include must also be met in order for your ranking to count them.
Be careful with "IS" (always be very careful with those maniacs!) since that needs to match exactly. "Contains" is a wider filter and recommended.
Our final list will include results for: "Men" & "Women" that have registered for the class "Black" in any of the events under our federation.
User ID
Another example would be for when we don't want a certain competitor to be included in the ranking list. To accomplish this, choose User ID, is not and then the ID of the user you want to exclude. Here's how that would look like, and you can read more about it here:
In order for ranking to work:
1. The athlete must have published results from the event (the organizer must publish the results).
2. All the rules must match from that event (check the "is" rules carefully)
3. The ranking list updates on an interval so if you change anything you must wait for a while to see the results.
You can also add offset points for your ranking! Read more in this article
You can build categories and connect your lists to each category to create a "bread crumb" structure that gives you a better overview if you have a lot of lists.
Start by going to your Federation Premium Admin and ranking/categories.
Create the structure that you want, the Adult Athlete Ranking category in this example builds lists based on the belt of the athlete.
You can also add an icon for each category. Click select image and insert your icon.
Drag the icon to its position if needed and then save.
When the structure is complete go to your ranking list and connect each list to the category it belongs to.
Once done your ranking page can look something like this.