Add a coupon code for discounts or free registrations
In this section you can add a promotion code to be distributed to your fighters, clubs or teams.
You can reach this page either from the admin menu on an event:
or through the organizer account's settings:
Here you will:
- Choose the code name that will be used to checkout from the competition
- Add a description for your code (for internal use)
- Set the valid from and until dates for this code as well as the timezone for these date
- Choose how many times it can be used. One (1) for only one time or ten (10) for more blackbelts :)
- You can decide if the coupon should give a amount or % on the fee (we gave 100 %) of the fee
- Decide for which event(s) the code should be valid
You can also:
- Set unlimited times to be used
- Have the amount of discount in your currency rather than a percentage
- Have the coupon code available for all your events
- Specify specific users who can use the discount code