How to schedule your tournament
When you create a bracket you have the option to assign a category to a mat, this can also be done in the settings of each bracket, but it's much more convenient to drag ´n drop from the “Brackets” view.
Here is a explanation of the buttons in this view:
1. "Completed brackets" will toggle between all brackets or only the unfinished brackets.
2. "Extended info" show you all the settings for all brackets (type of bracket, fighting time, estimated time and type of scoreboard)
3. "TV mode" will display all brackets in a beautiful fullscreen display that will automatically update on an interval. Learn more here.
4. Click “edit schedule” to rearrange your brackets as you see fit. Press save when you are done and see how Smoothcomp recalculates the times. When you click save after you have moved a category, the ETA of all affected categories are updated, as well as the “Estimated end”. This is useful when you want to distribute brackets across different fighting areas. (If you wish to move a bracket from one category (day/area) to another this must be done from the edit menu from that bracket. (can't be done with drag´n drop from “Schedule & Bracket”)
5. "All brackets" takes you to the print section where you can choose to print all brackets or by mat.
Live estimated times, ETA
ETA, are calculated from: “current time + number of fights x estimated duration of fights”. This is used to predict the end time of the day as well as to give an estimation of that constant question “excuse me, when is my fight?”
But, ETA is more than an estimation made on beforehand. Our ETA are live updated so if you are running ahead or behind of schedule - all ETA´s will follow seamlessly. If this is the first time you are organizing with Smoothcomp remember to inform your fighters over and over again to check the ETA´s from time to time to be ready to fight when it's their turn. Their personal ETA is displayed under the link “Your account/matches.