Public event cards
The Premium plan of the federation platform allows for the use of Public event cards for each athlete. The event cards can be accessed and printed by the organizer in bulk from the admin registrations view, but can also be allowed access to on the public registrations list. For more info and further instructions on printing event cards from the admin view, see Print credentials from your event or memberships.
Accessing the card as an athlete
A common way to use the event cards is for authentication at the venue on the event day. The athletes can all show/download/print their own event card from the public registrations list, given that you as the organizer has included their entry in the registrations list. All entries are included in the list by default, and can be removed by unchecking the box
"Visibility - Display and count entries in public registrations and on the first page under entries"
under the entry settings.
When this is done, each registered athlete will be able to access their public event card in the registrations list like this:
The card can be viewed in the browser as it is, or can be downloaded as a PDF to be accessed at all times (offline as well) by clicking the button at the top:
Using the public event card as venue authorization
If you want to use the event card as a kind of "pass" to the venue, printing all the cards yourself in bulk and distribute on entry to the venue is probably the best idea. The QR- and barcodes on the event card can be scanned to access the athlete's registration.
A key thing to keep in mind here is that the profile picture on the event card will always be the same picture as the profile picture on their user account. This means that if the user has for some reason chosen to have their family dog as their profile picture, this will be the image on the event card as well. If we think about it for less than a second, we realize that this is a bad idea if it's used as authorization at the venue. Unless they show up with their dog, I guess...? 🤔
Since you as the organizer/federation admin can't change their profile pictures for them, a possible way to prevent this is through the member approval process for the federation. If all athletes need a federation membership to participate in the event (this can be set up like this), you as the federation administrator can choose to only accept membership applications from athletes having a good enough profile image.
Depending on the security level you want to use this for, there are multiple ways and options for setting this up. Just keep this in mind for your event.