Control who participates in your events (Membership)

The federation platform is a way to control who can enter your events. We offer support for academy membership (Basic platform) and individual membership (Premium platform)

As a federation manager you can create membership plans and set the pricing as you choose. 

In your federation admin you have a tab called "Plans" where you set this up.

For this example we clicked on the "New" button on the User plans and will add a membership for athletes under the age of 18. This will be free, but needs to be renewed every year. The year they turn 19 they will not be eligible for this plan anymore.

DonĀ“t forget to add your terms of service for the membership under "Information"

New athletes or academies apply for membership from the start page.

To register an academy memberships click the "register your academy" button

Individual membership looks like this, click "join" to start the registration process.

When the athlete or academy decides to join they will need to approve the rules and then pay an eventual fee.

When athletes or academies have registered they will be listed on "Academies" and "Members". Click the Club or Member number to access and edit their plan details.

Next step is defining access to your events. All the check boxes are additional steps of control that can be implemented at your convenience.

  • All check boxes: A lot of control, but hard for players to register at your events.
  • No check boxes: No control, but also no hurdles for players to register.

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