Academy member labels
If you have the coach or manager role in an academy, you have access to handling and using member labels. Using labels can help structuring your members list. You can for example use it to filter out certain members from the list.
Down below you can see two members having labels assigned to them. A member can have an infinite amount of labels, but each label is custom and specific to only your academy, so a member can have as many labels as you have created basically. All labels can of course be assigned to all members, so multiple members can share the same label.
Managing labels
To get to the labels management, click Labels on the top right:
Creating a new label
To create a new label, enter the label name (required) and description (optional) and hit save:
Editing or deleting a label
To remove a label, hit the big "x" button on the right of the label you wish to get rid of. Doing so will prompt you with an alert where you can confirm the removal by hitting OK or cancelling by hitting Cancel.
To edit a label, hit the pen icon right next to the delete-button. Doing so will turn the label name and description into inputs where you can make your changes. After making the changes you wanted to do, simply hit Save.
The new name and description will automatically update in the members list. If you delete a label this will also automatically be removed from the potential members who had it assigned to them.
Returning to the members list
To leave the labels management and return to the members list, simply click Members where the Labels button was before:
Assigning and removing labels
You assign and remove labels from members directly from the members list. To assign a label to a member, simply click Add label and select the label you wish to add from the drop down menu, where available (only not already added) labels show up. To add multiple labels to a single member, simply repeat this process for each label you want to assign to the member. If you have assigned all of your existing labels to a member, Add label will disappear indicating they are stacked!
To remove a label from a member, simply click the "x" on the right side of the label and it will disappear. If you removed the label by mistake or simply change your mind, you can always add it back again. :)
Hovering over a label with your mouse cursor will display the label description (if there is any):
Filtering on the labels
You can filter out members containing certain labels. The filter uses "or-logic". This means that if you select two labels, all members having either one or both of those labels will be shown.
This can of course be used in combination with rest of the filters, like name- or skill search (not shown in the example below though).
Good luck managing your clubs! 👏