Create and search for notes
The registrations list supports adding notes for each athlete and there are four types:
Admin: For organizers' eyes only, and can be used for whatever needs to be noted only for the organizers having the Organizer or Manager roles. You can read more about permissions here.
Payment: For information regarding the payment. Could for example be used in combination with the "Custom payment" payment method. Also only for Organizer or Manager roles.
Public: Is visible to everyone, and might contain information such as why the athlete has been moved to another group or so. These notes can be found under the "Participants" page for each event.
- Weigh-in status: For information regarding the weigh-in. Visible to all roles of the organization, and can also be added at weigh-in from the Find matches page.
How to add a note:
Simply click on the pencil button to the right of the competitor to open up the notes menu.
Click on the pencil icon on the type of note you want to add. An input field will appear, where you can write the note. To save this note, click the "save" button.
When you have saved the note and folded the notes menu back in (the same pencil button you opened the menu with), this is what the note will look like:
Searching for a note:
Besides searching for competitor names, group names and so on, you can also search for notes of any type in the same search field as the other ones. This makes the filtering super customisable, allowing you to split competitors in all sorts of custom groups and having quick control over them. Let's do an example:
All competitors who get to the semifinals or further are automatically eligible for competing in the open class. However, since the organizer knows most competitors usually don't want to participate after a hard competition already, the athletes wishing to compete in the open class will have to inform the organizers before the open start.
When the competitor tells the organizers they don't want to participate in the open, the organizers just search for their name in the registrations and adds an admin note saying "No open".
When the organizers then want to create the open brackets, they can simply search for "No open" and then toggle all to quickly select all to copy to the new class.
This can of course be applied in all sorts of scenarios for custom filtering of the list. No need for remembering lots of names for different things, just add notes on the competitors!