How to set the points for your top/ranking lists

If you want to display top/ranking lists in your event you need to configure how many points each placement gives. We have support for as many placement points as you like and we even have support for overrides so you can give more points for a specific belt, skill level etc. You can also give extra points for winning methods!

Start by opening the settings panel and go to Awarded points.

Click +Add placement to get started.

Configure how many points each placement should give. In this example Gold (placement 1) gives 9 points, Silver (placement 2) gives 3 points and Bronze (placement 3) gives 1 point. You can keep adding placements if you want more than the medalists to gain points.

If you want you can activate overrides. This gives you the option to add extra points for a specific entry, belt, age etc. You can read more about that here.


You can choose to award a point to all participants outside of placements. Here you can choose to either give every single participant a certain point, or give it as kind of a "consolation point" for those who don't get any other points from placements.


If you want you can also award extra points for winning methods. In this example we give 2 extra points to anyone that wins by Submission. All the winning methods we have in Smoothcomp are added to this system and are available to choose. You can use overrides here as well.


You can choose to override all other settings and award zero points if a division has a certain number of participants or less. Usually when this is activated the number is set to 1, since that means no matches have been fought and therefore there's no reason to give out points.

Remember to save when you are done!

To learn how to build list to display based on these points read this article.

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