Override ranking points

Different placements usually give different ranking points, and these can be customized for each event. Besides setting the basic points for different placements, we also have an override feature, allowing you to automatically adjust these points.

How to set up override rules

To set up these override rules, go into "Awarded points" under "Ranking":

Here you can see placement points have already been set, and by clicking the "Overrides" text on one of the placements, we can begin settings up our different overrides.

General rule

The different settings for the general override are only what requirement needs to be met for the overriding to take action, and then what points should be given in that case. The override rule can also be toggled on or off, allowing you to set up a multiple set of rules and then selecting which ones you want to activate. If you were to duplicate this event for a new one in the future, these settings would follow. You can then easily just activate the rules you want to apply for the new event.

The main application/requirement selections are:

  • Academy - If the division only has players from the same Academy the rule applies
  • Affiliation - If the division only has players from the same Affiliation the rule applies

Specific rules

To set up multiple rules, just click on "+ Add override for a division". This will add another row under the earlier override rule.

This row works similarly to the general one, with the difference being that here you will also specify a specific division where the override is active, as well as the base points for that division. With a specific rule, you'll have to specify the standard amount of points for the placement in that division. If you want it to be the same as the other non-specified division, feel free to set the same value here as in the original box.

When selecting an entry, three new options will show; belt, age and weight. These new settings are optional. Leaving one out will simply select all options for that setting. I you for example would select the entry Absolute Men and leave the rest of the settings empty, the rule would apply to all groups in the Absolute Men entry, no matter the belt, age or weight.

All first places are given 5 points. If any division except for Absolute Men has only players from the same academy, first place gets 0 points. In Absolute Men 10 points are given, no matter the players' academies.

In the image below we have a fairly simple setup once you know how it works. The standard amount for first place in all division not affected by our rules will be five points. If a division only has players from the same academy however, the awarded points will be zero. For the absolute entries, a first place is awarded with ten points instead of five. As you can see, for both absolute entries the same rule about having the same academy is present. That means here as well zero points will be given if all players are from the same academy.


Summary of specificity: The first row is a general rule, and will apply to all divisions which are not targeted by any specific rules later on. If another rule is created and an entry is specified, then nothing else than what is set inside that rule applies to that division. Points awarded are solely calculated by the options inside that rule.

When you feel happy with the rules you've set up, click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page. Feel free to save your changes often, thus minimizing the risk of loosing any progress.

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