Federation event categories

For events run through a federation, a category can be applied to each event, allowing for easier sorting and filtering of the events. It also allows for the use of lifetimes for points, which you can read more about here.

Here's how to set up categories for a federation, as well as apply a category to an event.

How to create a category

Start by entering your federation page and the "Federation admin" settings. From here, click on "Event" in the menu of the left side.

Next, under the "Events" tab you just clicked on, select the "Categories" tab.

Here you can see and manage the categories you have, as well as create new ones. To create a new one, simply click on "New category". From there, enter the name you wish to give the new category, add a logo (optional) and hit "Save".

Apply a category to an event

To give an event a category, visit the event page. Under the settings menu, select "Federation" under the "Data" header.

Here you can click the category input selector, which should give you all your current categories as options. Click the one you want to apply and hit "Save" when you're done.

That's it! Now you're all done.

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