Please remove/delete/hide my account (GDPR)

To respect your right to privacy we have offered a setting to hide your profile and a delete function for you to use. Both of these can be accessed from your settings.

Go to Settings

Hide account

If you do not want your stats to appear in ranking lists or people watching your statistics you can use the switch Hide public profile. This Switch is off by default, meaning that all newly created accounts will be visible for other accounts, but can easily be adjusted.

Look for the section Public Profile. If you wish to hide your profile, activate the button. 

(When we launched profile pages all account holders younger than 16 were set to "Hide public profile" due to GDPR adjustments)

Delete account

We have also added a Delete account button that completely removes your personal data stored at Smoothcomp. All contact info and personal identifiers will be removed.

In event results and statistics your account will appear as "Unknown user" but the results will still count for your academy, affiliation and nation so old results/top lists do not get broken.

Please note that your data will occur in search engines such as Google until Googles search robots revisit Smoothcomp. If you need data to be removed from a search engine after it has been deleted at Smoothcomp then please turn to the search engine provider, Google has a tool on this link

To delete your account, go to the Delete account section in your profile and confirm.

Make sure to only do this if you are sure you permanently want to delete your account.

If you've for some reason deleted your account by mistake and need to restore it, please contact our support for help. Restoring a deleted account is not always possible and a fix can't be guaranteed, but reach out to us for more information on your specific case.

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