Event statistics

To find the statistics section make sure you are logged in to your account and then click the admin button and scroll down to statistics. 

The statistics page contains four different tabs and the first one is an overview of your event. It will list the number of registrations based on different segments. If you only want to count individual athletes as one make sure to tick the "group unique athletes as one" box.

The second tab is called registrations and will show you an overview of your registrations. You can download everything as an excel file or as in the next picture, see the report on the screen.

The third tab is the match list and will list all completed matches and their results. Download al matches in an excel file or view the report on the screen.

The last tab is for all your financial statistics and gives you tools to search and track financial transactions in your Smoothcomp organizer manager. Read more about the financial section here.

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