Scheduler group tool

- What is the group tool?

For you who might have a lot of brackets or just want some order in your schedule, the group tool is the way to go. This tool allows you to group blocks together in the schedule, allowing for easier management and movement of those blocks.

- How does it work?

There are two ways to go about the group tool, and we will cover them both here.

The first one is simply dragging and dropping one or multiple blocks into another block, which will create a group containing them both.

The second way is selecting the blocks you wish to group, hitting the "Group" button in the toolbar, selecting what kind of constellation you want and then hitting "Create groups".

Selecting the brackets:

Whichever way you decide to use the group tool, you will need to select the blocks you wish to group.

To select blocks, you first need to make sure you are in edit mode, which will allow you to select and move around blocks in the schedule. To toggle this mode, you can either hit the edit button shown in the first image below, or hold cmd (MacOS) / ctrl (Windows) when clicking on a block. When in edit mode, the "edit" button is blue and the footer at the bottom is visible, as shown in the second image below.

Now when in edit mode, you can select blocks. To select a single block, all you have to do is click on it. To select mutliple blocks you hold the same key as before (cmd or ctrl) when you click the blocks. Holding the specified key when clicking an already selected block will deselect it.

Option 1 - Drag'n-Drop:

You can group blocks together by dragging and dropping them on each other, which is the simplest way to do it if your chosen blocks are not very many. For example, just grouping two or three blocks and wanting them all in the same group is much faster to do this way.

To create a group containing just two blocks, simply click and hold one of them, drag it on top of the other block, wait a few milliseconds for the recieving block to get highlighted and then release the block you're holding. When holding the first block on top of the second one, the blocks should look like in the image below. When they do, you are ready to let go.

This will create a group containing the two blocks. If you want to use this option but include multiple blocks, you can select the blocks you wish to include, click and hold on one of the selected blocks and drop it on another like described above. Now all the selected blocks will be moved into a group together with the block you dropped on (whether this block was already selected or not).

Note: The group will have the name of the block you dropped to. This means that in the case of the image above, the new group will have the name "Men / Blue / Master / -70kg" (the block under the cursor), no matter what other block/blocks was being held with the cursor. As you can probably guess, by switching what block you pick up and what block you drop to, you can decide what the group name will be.

Option 2 - Tool bar:

If you have a lot of blocks you wish to create your group with, or if you want to create mulitple groups simultaneously - option 2 is the way to go for you.

To create a group this way, you will first need to select the blocks you wish to place in your new group/groups as explained and shown above Option 1. After the selection has been done, go ahead and click the "Group" button in the footer toolbar at the bottom of the page. This button should be lit up in blue, indicating the ability to use it. If this button is grayed out and you can't click it, you might have lost your selection of the blocks. If so, go ahead and select them again.

When the button has been clicked, a modal window will open right at the center of the page. This will prompt you with a single selection containing three options;

  • Create one group for all selected - functioning basically like the drag'n-drop in Option 1. All selected blocks are placed in the one and only created group.
  • Create one group for every round - creating one group for each selected round. This could be quarter finals, semi finals or finals for example, where each of these will have their own group. When selecting the option, another selector appears below this one where you get to select which rounds you would like. For example, if I have selected two brackets prior to opening the group tool, and now select this option as well as semi finals and finals in the rounds selection, all semi finals from my two brackets will go into one group, and all finals will go into another group. If there are more rounds on my selected brackets, they will stay in the main block.
  • Create one group with selected rounds - kind of like the first option, but here the one group is created only with the rounds you select. Basically the first option but with a rounds-filter. When selecting the option, another selector appears below this one where you get to select which rounds you would like. For example, if I have selected two brackets prior to opening the group tool, and now select this option as well as semi finals and finals in the rounds selection, only the semi finals and finals from my selected brackets will be placed in the new group. The rest of the rounds will stay in the main block.

After selecting the option best suited for your needs, click on the "Create groups" button in the bottom right corner of the modal window. This will create the group/groups for you.

Now that your new group/groups are in place, go ahead and click the "Save" button in the bottom left corner, which will also show how many changes were made to the schedule since the last save. If you for any reason are unhappy with the group/groups you have created, just hit "Cancel" right next to the "Save" button, which will undo all changes made since the schedule was last saved.

If you have saved but still are unhappy with the result of the grouping, you can always dragn'-drop the blocks out of the group as you wish. When the last block in the group has been placed outside, the group will be deleted. After this you can use the group tool again as you wish.

Using an already created group:

If you have used the group tool to create a group, you can place new blocks inside that group as well as rearrange and remove them from it. By drag'n-dropping one or more blocks onto the group you will be able to drop more blocks in there. Whilst inside, you can use the drag'n-drop feature to move blocks around inside the group just as you would outside on a mat. To remove one or more blocks from the group, simply select the blocks and drag'n-drop them outside the group wherever you want them to go.

Of course you can also move a whole group around the schedule like you would a regular block.

You will also have the ability to combine two or more groups, either with only groups or with regular blocks as well. If you were to drag'n-drop a group inside another group, the dragged group will expand and place all of it's blocks inside the new group. Basically, whatever blocks (groups or regular ones) you have selected and you drop into another group will be released there.

Note: A group cannot exist inside another group. By combining groups as mentioned above the blocks from the one group will be placed right inside the other group, not in the original group inside the new group.

As always - remember to save the changes when you are happy with the grouping and placement, otherwise the changes might be lost.

Good luck with the grouping!

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