Bracket information

When brackets have been published for an event you will find them on the Brackets page.

First, navigate to the event. Then click on Brackets.

Mobile app

Here you can navigate between the different brackets and find out more details about matches and results.

By swiping to the left and right you can follow the bracket's progress as well as when and where the matches will take place.

Using the different tabs at the top and/or the bottom, you can chose to show different parts of the bracket and the results.

Clicking on a match will open Tale of the Tape and it will give you specific details about the match and athletes. By clicking on an athletes name or profile picture it will take you to their profile.


You can also view results for a specific bracket while on the bracket page


Here you can navigate between the different brackets and find out more details about matches and results.

Click on View bracket to see the whole bracket. By clicking on an individual match it will give you the option to click Match details. This will open Tale of the Tape and show specific details about the match and athletes.

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