Add / transfer profile

We have an option to add a new or transfer an existing profile to your account.

When you register yourself or someone from your shared account you will need to complete the registration and payment before switching to another profile to repeat the process.

From the Profile tab click Add profile

Or from the web - Click on Manage profiles and then Add new profile

Add new profile

Make sure the blue Create new profile button is active and enter the name of the profile.

Your new profile is now added to your account and you can switch between them without having to log out! Read more here on how to switch profiles.

Transfer an existing profile

Make sure the blue Transfer an existing profile button is active. You will then need to fill out the credentials for the account you wish to transfer from.

Then just select the profile that you wish to transfer and you're done. The account will still keep its own profile page but will now share your email and use that to login with instead.

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