Connect bracket seed to federation ranking

When using the Premium Federation ranking feature you can connect brackets to the federation ranking and automatically seed the athletes in the bracket based on their current ranking position!

To get started you need a Federation Premium subscription and then set up the federation ranking so that your Federation ranking is collecting points from all the events under your federation.

Relating the federation ranking list to the event

This is a one time work and once its done it will be copied over from event to event so grab some coffee ☕️ and lets get started!

1. Open the settings panel and go to the bracket settings.

2. Start by activating seed by rank so that each athlete can be assigned with a seed number in the registrations view. When activated the seeding position is also visible in the public registrations list.

Under the section that says "relate bracket seed to federation ranking" you have the option to relate brackets to a federation ranking list.

Choose one of your ranking list that you have created on the federation platform.

* Here is an example of how the federation ranking lists can look.

3. Now its time to create the filters for this list. In this example we want to relate the list to Men´s GI, Black, Professional and 85kg. 

Press save when you have added all the filters.

Once you have related all the list from your federation ranking you will have a list looking something like this. These lists can now "listen" to the ranking and when we connect the list to a bracket it will automatically seed the athlete according to their current position in the ranking and make sure that the top ranked athletes fight each other in the later stages of the bracket.

(You can of course add multiple ranking lists and filters. For simplicity we are just doing one in this example!)

If you click view ranking list it will take you to that list on your platform. (At the moment there's just one person there, but for this to work multiple will have to be there of course...)

4. Now its time to connect the bracket to the related lists. 

Go to registrations to start connecting the brackets.

Choose from the ranking list that have been created on the federation platform.

This bracket is now connected to the ranking on the federation platform and the seeding will automatically update next to each athlete based on their placement in the ranking!

The athlete with the highest ranking will have "1" next to their name. The ranking position is displayed between ( )

As you can see number 2 in this list has the ranking position (14) and number three has (24). 

If someone that has a higher ranking number is added or registers the list will automatically update all seeding positions!

(The image below is from another example, but the principle is the same!)

Link automatically will search for a list that matches the registration values (Men´s Gi / Black / 85kg / Professional)

You can convert to a manual seed and then add the seed positions manually.

Clear all seeds will remove all seeding so you can start over in your manual list.

If you made a misstake when linking the federation platform ranking you can can link to another list.

This will save you tons of time and make sure your athletes are ranked correctly over the season!

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