Download agreements signed by athletes

Organizers can download the signed event ToS (Terms of Service) waiver, signed by the athlete when they sign up for your event, to prove that they have accepted your terms. To do this, follow this guide.

1. Click the athletes name from the registrations view.

2. At the bottom left you'll find a signed agreements box. It will display the different agreements that's been signed by the athlete for your event. Click the agreement to open a new window showing the content of the agreement.

3. At the top you can see when the agreement was created and when it was signed.

  1. The organizer has the option to set an age limit, where if the athlete is under a certain age the guardian name must also be in the agreement signing. So besides the user details part of the agreement, there may also be a field for guardian details if this age limit is set and not reached by the athlete.

  1. To print the agreement press Cmd + P or Ctrl +P and you will get a printer friendly page.

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